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Perfect Continuous!

Getting perfect with Present Perfect Continuous!

This tense is used for an action that began at some time in the past and is still continuing. Eg: I have been writing poetry since 5’O clock. This is also used for an action already finished and continuity of the activity is emphasized as an explanation of something. Eg: Why are you late for school? I have been cooking.

Getting perfect with Past Perfect Continuous!

The past perfect continuous tense is used in situations for an action that began at some time in the past and continued up to that time.  Eg: 1) Sheela had been swimming for three months. 2) When the teacher came to the school at 10’O clock student had already been waiting in the class.

Getting perfect with Future Perfect Continuous!

Future Perfect Continuous Tense indicates an action that is been in progress over a period of time that will end in the future.  Eg: 1) By next we shall have been living Covid free life. 2) When Sham gets his degree, he will have been studying at Oxford for four years.

Tip Time! 

  • Perfect Tense: We always pair verbs like has, have, will, had with a past participle based on the time of an action.
  • In the continuous tense, we usually avoid verbs of perception, appearing, emotion, thinking.

The difference between Past Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous tense is that in the former case the action is still continuing in the present or till the recent past and in the latter case, the action has been continuing till sometime in the past but not present.

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