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New normal- post COVID, opportunity or threat?

Almost 10 months into the COVID fiasco, the world had entered a standstill with the future looking very ambiguous. “When will things restore back to normalcy?”, a question that had run through almost everyone’s mind. This stagnancy has its obvious repercussions such as-

  • GDP growth decelerated to 6 years low
  • Economic Activity became standstill impacting consumption and investment
  • Three major contributors to GDP took a hit- Private consumption, Investments & External trade

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While these statements pose as much as a big threat, there is always a light at the end of a tunnel. It is this motivation that kept almost the entire world going. The situation demanded critical thinking, out of the box ideas to keep the business operations up and going. While companies were busy handing out pink slips, there were organizations such as Amazon, Healthcare organizations that went ahead with fresh recruitments. Personally, it is the leadership that makes or breaks, as much as it was a threat it turned out to be opportunistic for a variety of businesses. Some of the examples of positive movements that shall be or have been witnessed are as follows-

  • Work tilt towards Chindia
  • Valuing online training and education
  • Plenty of Business opportunities

The new normal would bring in newfound opportunities’ areas such as-

  • Ed tech
  • Health Wellness
  • BFSI
  • E commerce
  • Online Gaming
  • Pharma
  • Managed office spaces

Winston Churchill once said- “Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.” This period has indeed been stressful however, it did bring out agility, adaptability and has certainly propelled all of us as the citizens to work on our emotional intelligence.

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